Image of Renu Lama Bomjan

Greetings From Renu Lama Bomjan

From the side of the Deaconess (Serveth) of the God, warm greetings to all the beloved followers of the God who stayed steadfast in God’s doctrine and commandment. Being a word in the beginning holy spirit the God (John 1:1-2, Revelation 1:8, 22:13, 4:11, Colossian 1:15, Genesis 1:1-2) who created every thing out of emptiness, by the supreme Lord Jesus Christ; I offer appreciation and thanks from the bottom of my heart. Being in a distance from the God and unfamiliar, (Ezekiel 28:15-16, Genesis 3:23-24) to be united again by the chord of love will have the right to have the best option and providing New Testament – this is the objective of the Holy Scripture. (Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 1:3-14)

All the evil works before the law “where there is no law, there is no valuation of sin either.” (Romans 5:13) Saying this all the impious works done in the time of law, designated as sinister works, such people have been made liable to the punishment of eternal downfall.

In the beginning, was the word (Holy). Word was with God (Spiritual being), and the word was God. He (Word/Holy/Truth) was with God in the beginning. (John 1:1-2, Revelation 19:13, Isaiah 57:15, John 17:3, 1 Corinthians 15:47)

Written by John, in John’s book of Gospel, no other then Jesus Christ himself has made it clear this (John 1:1-2) verse by means of parables- “ Father and I are one and the same” (John 10:30, 14:5-10, 17:11, 20:22) that is why when the Holy Spirit assumes the form of Spiritual body in front of Moses showing only the backside in that period, He told Moses that I am the Supreme Lord (God) (Exodus 33:20-23) and in the completeness of the prophecy, (Isaiah 7:14) Holy Spirit (Word/Holy/Truth) by using favored one, Mary’s womb was born, He was regarded as the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 1:21-23)

That is why, God Jesus Christ in the process of disclosing to his disciples the mysteries of the Scripture, for many times gave evidence in the subject of God which we can read in the book of the Gospel. So, to say that father and Son is different God is just the opposite of the Holy Scripture. Jesus Christ while addressing God the Father said that He is the soul of truth (John 17:3) and Father (Soul of truth, Holy Spirit, Word) is in me and I am in him. (John 14:10) are they different? Though being one God can say ‘We’. For example, If I say that this is my head, I can show my head but cannot show the word denoting mine (word), yes this very element signifying ‘this is mine’ is soul. That is why; so long as soul and body stay together then it will have existence. If soul and body are separated in such a situation physical body will have no existence and the soul cannot achieve completeness until it gets body of resurrection that is why, it is mention in the Holy Scripture as such: where two or three assemble in my name, there I will be in their middle. (Matthew 18:20) here two people signify the fact that when two people are present only the God will be present is not the real meaning. For example, if I say John and John’s soul; John is a person and name, so by saying John’s soul, we should understand that the soul that lives inside John. The verification of this can be understood by judging the worship of the worshippers (John 4:23). Genuine worshippers worship the God in Soul and truth, here also has been presented the relationship existing between genuine worshipper and soul. Therefore, in the Holy Scripture, it has been said Father and Son by taking this type of context and in fact, Father and Son are not different but the one and the only Holy Spirit (Word/Holy/Truth) is but the God.

Those who were dead have been raised by Spirit (Holy Soul) but He himself coming in the same name, the same Soul- (John 14:16, 26, 15: 26, Acts 1:3) (1 peter 3:18-22) from that time onwards, up to coming of the Lord, (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) the slept crowd and the subject to change to enter the 1000 years kingdom with Lord Jesus Christ, (1 Corinthians 15: 50-54, Revelation 20:5-6) and the wicked, after Christ’s kingdom, to be thrown in to the lake of fire for eternal punishment- (Revelation 20:10, 11-15) but the righteous people to enter eternal heaven (Revelation 21:4-8, 23-27, 22:1-6) is the remaining prophecy in the Holy Scripture. (Revelation 22:10) Therefore, I heartily request for the entire respectable God’s follower through out the entire world to be one. (Revelation 22:21)